Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Author Quirks: Cindy Martinusen-Coloma

Next up is Cindy Martinusen-Coloma, author of Beautiful. I asked her:

What's a quirky or little-known fact about yourself, your writing, and/or one of your novels? (For example, you can tell us about a non-standard pet you have, an unusual way you do your writing, a strange real life incident that inspired a scene in one of your novels, or so on.)

Cindy Martinusen-Coloma's answer:

Some of my best ideas come while driving or in the shower. I often forget to put conditioner in my hair in the shower because my mind is usually coming up with some new plot twist or character development. I really need a waterproof laptop.

Thank you, Cindy Martinusen-Coloma, for sharing your quirks.

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